De Muze Noordwijk Cinema
During all school holidays De Muze is in use as a cinema. On daily turn De Muze shows off several recent movies and special movies for children in the basement cinema.
The movies shown in the basement cinema do not have a break and the seats are free of choice.
Regular price: € 8,00
Additional costs for 3D movies: € 2,00
Basement cinema: € 5,00
Every Monday evening during the theatre season De Muze runs a movie at 20.00. Every Wednesday at 13.00 and 15.00 and every Friday at 15.45 de Muze shows movies for children in the basement cinema.
Opening times
- De balie van De Muze is geopend van 10 uur 's ochtends, tot een half uur na vertoning van de laatste film.