Arts and Culture in Noordwijk

In Noordwijk you can enjoy music, theater, arts and history all year round. Both in the theater by the sea, in the open air or in one of the museums. From festivals such as Loungefest, Opera aan Zee, performances by Kunstklank, cultural walks and museums such as Englandvaarders and the Noordwijks Museum.

Arts & Culture

Noordwijk has always attracted artists. The beach, the sea and the flower fields are the ideal backdrop and source of inspiration for painters, musicians, theater makers and other artists.

We have listed the best cultural events in Noordwijk for you. Discover all performances and events in the Uitagenda. Book tickets for your favourite event soon to make your summer and autumn even more festive.

Please note that the performances are primarily given in the local language.

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Summer gallery

The 26th edition of the Noordwijk Painting Festival took place in June 2024. In a summer week, more than 40 (inter)national professional artists captured Noordwijk and the surrounding area on their canvas.

With the festival theme “colour”, the artists worked “en plein air”, with easels in the open air. In the tradition of the French Impressionists 150 years ago, they tried to capture the impression of the ever-changing light and its momentary effects on colors and shapes.

The winner of the Painting Festival and the Maya van Hall award was Natalia Andreeva. Her winning work of art, together with many other gems, can be admired in the VVV Summer Gallery from June 28 to the end of August. Come and discover what Noordwijk looks like through the eyes of artists!

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Opera aan Zee

Be enchanted at Opera aan Zee with open-air opera performances, with an emphasis on the beautiful backdrop of the beach, sea, dunes and clouds.

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Cirque des Dunes

On Saturday, July 13th and August 3rd from 7 p.m. spectacular acts will take place on and around the boulevard in Noordwijk. Artists from all over Europe create a true spectacle with impressive technology, clothing and attributes, fire and/or lasers.

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Take a step back into the past or step forward and find out all about space. About mankind, nature or your favourite cartoon characters, you will be short of eyes and ears in Noordwijk's museums.

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Open-air Max Liebermann exhibition

Enjoy the unique outdoor exhibition: Max Liebermann in Noordwijk. Large replicas of this well-known German impressionist painter are permanently on display at no fewer than 24 points. The paintings show locations Liebermann painted in Noordwijk some 100 years ago. The outdoor exhibition can be explored via a walking or cycling route of about 10 kilometres.

Max Liebermann stayed in Noordwijk for several months each time from 1905 to 1913. A total of 128 paintings can be traced back to Noordwijk. On these, Liebermann shows the early years of the seaside resort.

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Cycling and walking route