Proeftuin Noordwijk
At Proeftuin Noordwijk ('proeven' taste, try/ 'tuin' garden), chefs from Noordwijk are inspired by seasonal and locally grown products. A principle that goes back to the 17th century, to the so-called Tuin van Holland (Garden of Holland). At this point in time, our food culture experienced a true food revolution.
The focus was on a healthy and varied diet with lots of fruit and vegetables. Living and eating with the seasons for a healthy and vital lifestyle.
Proeftuin Noordwijk
In the 17th century, the eclectic and sophisticated Tuin van Holland, starring Leiden and Noordwijk, was the first international cuisine focusing on health.
In Proeftuin Noordwijk, 9 restaurants in Noordwijk start to translate the culinary tradition of the Tuin van Holland. With contemporary dishes, prepared with high-quality regional seasonal products from healthy soil.
Proeftuin Noordwijk:
Delicious, sustainable and accessible to everyone in the healing seaside resort of Noordwijk, where health and pleasure go hand in hand.

Try (proef) yourself - At the participating chefs & restaurants.
“ Delicious, sustainable and accessible to everyone. ”
Proeftuin Noordwijk
Tuin van Holland
In the days before the stamppot (a typical Dutch dish made from mashed potatoes and vegetables), the Dutch cuisine was eclectic and refined.
Physicians and scientists began to recognize the importance of a healthy diet in the 17th century. Consequently, fruits and vegetables played an important role on the menu. Raw and fermented became fashionable and much less sugar was used.

“ In Noordwijk, where health and pleasure go hand in hand. ”
Take a peek into the chefs' kitchens
Learn more about the history of De Tuin van Holland and Proeftuin Noordwijk. Take a peek into the chefs' kitchens and listen to what they have to say about the healthy, seasonal, and sustainable Dutch cuisine for everyone, using local products as the foundation.
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